To open your Chat Sidebar, click the 'Menu' icon in the top-left of the widow to open the Chat Sidebar

The sidebar contains a list of all recent Task Cards and Group Chats you've interacted with. Groupchats are private discussions between users that exist independently of workspaces.

Here is a brief overview of the Chat Sidebar:

  1. Profile Button - click your avatar to change your name or photo
  2. Create New Group Chat - click this to create a new private Group Chat (more on Group Chats here)
  3. Search Field - use this field to search your past conversations and task cards
  4. Task & Chat List - The 1st tab shows recent tasks & chats, the 2nd tab shows unread notifications.
  5. Link to Open Back Office - Click this to open up your Back Office, where you can manage contracts and payments (for those who hire or get hired with Turtle)